Ecolivers is a Community of entrepreneurs and digital nomads,
who are committed to a healthy life next door
from nature and bringing positive change to the world.
- From time to time you feel misunderstood and alone in your environment and you would like to find other entrepreneurs like you.
Things are not going as you would like lately and you have a huge desire to find A STRATEGY THAT WORKS again.
- Would you like to SHARE new ways of doing things with people who are already dedicated to this
- You have been spending a LOT of HOURS without attending to you personally as you would like.
- You need to take a BREAK! Feel vital, strong and brave again. HAVE FUN AGAIN.
Do you want to know what you will take away from the experience of living with other Ecolivers?
- You will meet like-minded people, colleagues who can support you when you need it, to live experiences together and SHARE NEW STRATEGIES in your projects.
- You will get out of your routine and experience other situations, going back to FEEL ENTHUSIASM growing with activities that motivate you.
- You will live like a true Digital Nomad next to the sea and nature with comfort.
- You will learn new ways to boost your business with BORJA GIRÓN, recognized mentor in marketing and our ambassador.
- A gift time in which to reconnect with your project and passion.
Reconnect your business and recharge energy!
Common area
Our private space in El Palmar, Cádiz, consists of:
A private pool
Garden with loungers and chairs for sunbathing
Covered area with tables in the garden
Barbecue by the pool
Cabins for 3 or 4 people with individual garden with table.
Bath and shower in the pool
Private area
2 wooden cabins, space for vans, camping
Fully equipped rooms
Kitchen with all utensils, shared by 4 people.
Garden and porch for each cabin
Wifi in the houses
Table to work inside and outside
Digital Marketing MENTOR
Passionate about the sea and salsa
My passion is surfing and the sea.
My mission is that you enjoy what I am so passionate about and its philosophy.
Enjoy healthy life and connection with you.
Breathe, increase your energy and create authentic relationships.
“What I take away from this retreat is the incredible community that we have created in just 3 days. “
“It’s amazing”
“I would define it as an unusual and infinitely enriching experience”
“I would travel 1,000 km one way and 1,000 km back, in fact I plan to do it”
David Llop
“After the retreat I have come home with renewed energy”
“From the retreat I take some very nice sensations, I have experienced things that I had never experienced before. A super nice experience”
“Meeting people who are aligned with my values and way of understanding the world. Connecting with them is priceless.”
Miryam Soto
“It’s one of those things that you look back on and say, luckily I went”
“The food is great, the place is beautiful”
“An ecosystem of exchanges of human and professional experiences has been created, so that the loneliness of the entrepreneur is suddenly taken away”
2 SURF LESSONS Just 1 km from one of the leading surfing beaches in Spain, you can practice and learn this sport that has so much to do with growth staff. Connect with the water and with your body while having fun with other ecolivers.
You can walk the trails that surround the community, rent a bike and enjoy its tours.
You have a co-working space in the cabin house, on the porch or in the common space next to the pool. If you need to continue working or hold a meeting, it is at your disposal.
You will know organic garden, where you can buy food or learn natural knowledge about it.
Borja, our ambassador will come to offer a masterclass in the morning so you can learn new strategies for your business.
They say that El Palmar is one of the most beautiful in Spain and without a doubt for us it has a lot of magic. We will go to see them every day.
You'll be in your sauce if..
You will not feel comfortable if
- Do you feel like you need a break in your daily life?
- Do you want to meet other entrepreneurs?
- You want to enjoy the sea and nature and recharge energy.
- It motivates you to surf or meet him for the first time... if you haven't met him yet, you'll love it
- You don't want to get out of your comfort zone.
- You don't think you can learn anything new
- You prefer to travel with the same people as always and not meet new entrepreneurs like you.
- You don't like to learn new things or share.
I introduce myself, I am Raquel Laso, dreamer, enthusiastic, creative, adventurous and non-conformist.
Traveling and personal development have transformed my life, that is why I have combined the two main ingredients of my story creating The ECOLIVERS community, whose purpose is:
Offer a philosophy of life, where to live in a healthy way, combining professional and personal life.
For many years I felt misunderstood and trapped in a life I didn’t want.
I experienced being free with my first entrepreneurship at the age of 22, being me and since then I have dedicated myself to helping other people to be free.
I created a holistic center in Patagonia, where through retreats and trips, people like you and me could experience everything that transformed me and gave meaning to my life.
And now I create them in Spain.
Apart from this, I accompany more than 100 students to create their own projects as a tutor at the Digital Nomad School.
1-6 November 2022-
Make a reservation for 197€
THE RESERVATION Will be returned as it cannot be presented due to covid.
The full income will be returned less the commission of the payment platform in this case PayPal.
We offer you insurance for cancellation by covid with a discount. Here
Nuestro mínimo de participantes es de 6 personas , el viaje se podrá cancelar al no llegar a este mínimo , devolviendo las reservas a los participantes. Por medidas covid, el número máximo de participantes, hasta nuevo aviso será de 10 participantes.
Asimismo, VIAJAR EN TRIBU también puede cancelar un retiro por causas de fuerza mayor, entendiendo como tales aquellas circunstancias ajenas a nosotros , anormales e imprevisibles, cuyas consecuencias no se han podido evitar a pesar de haber actuado con la diligencia debida. En este caso, tendrás derecho al reembolso de las cantidades pagadas.
Todos nuestros retiros programados se celebran y vienen más de 6 personas 😉
We take care of you, that’s why we have created a Covid protocol.
We know that we have to be careful not to get infected or infect anyone and therefore we have to be responsible when traveling. That is why we have established the following Action Plan.
For the safety of everyone, we are going to take the following Preventive Measures for COVID 19 according to current regulations and lasting until the international situation returns to normal.
Withdrawals do not include travel. We recommend arriving by private vehicle, to ensure each of your care and environment.
The accommodations where we celebrate the retreats, such as the common areas, will be used exclusively by our group. There will be no other guests apart from those brought by us.
The excursions and activities will be in the rural areas adjacent to the retreat accommodation, avoiding the use of common transport or visiting crowded places that may harbor infections.
Group activities will be carried out outdoors with great amplitude from where the regulatory safety distance will be respected.
The toilets will be private for each cabin or apartment, with a maximum of 4 occupants.
Bring the clothes in which you will feel comfortable. A windjacket or sweatshirt for the evening, hat for the sun and above all a lot of desire and enthusiasm.
LA RESERVA Será devuelta al no poder presentarse por covid.
Se devolverá el ingreso integro menos la comisión de la plataforma de pago en este caso paypal.
Te ofrecemos un seguros por cancelación por covid con descuento se llama SafetyWing.
Nuestro mínimo de participantes es de 6 personas , el viaje se podrá cancelar al no llegar a este mínimo, devolviendo las reservas a los participantes. Por medidas covid, el número máximo de participantes, hasta nuevo aviso será de 10 participantes.
Asimismo, nosotros también puede cancelar un retiro por causas de fuerza mayor, entendiendo como tales aquellas circunstancias ajenas a nosotros , anormales e imprevisibles, cuyas consecuencias no se han podido evitar a pesar de haber actuado con la diligencia debida. En este caso, tendrás derecho al reembolso de las cantidades pagadas.
Todos nuestros retiros programados se celebran y vienen más de 6 personas 😉
Nosotros te cuidamos , por eso hemos creado un protocolo Covid.
Sabemos que hay que ser cautos para no contagiarnos ni contagiar a nadie y por ello tenemos que ser responsables a la hora de viajar. Por eso hemos establecido el siguiente Plan de Acción.
Para la seguridad de tod@s vamos a tomar las siguientes Medidas Preventivas para el COVID 19 según la normativa vigente y duraderas hasta que la situación internacional no se normalice.
- Los retiros no incluyen desplazamientos. Recomendamos llegar en vehículo privado, para asegurarnos cada un de su cuidado y entorno.
- Los alojamientos donde celebramos los retiros,como las zonas comunes, serán utilizadas todas las áreas en exclusiva por nuestro grupo. No habrá otros huéspedes aparte de los llevados por nosotros.
- Las excursiones y actividades serán por las zonas rurales colindantes al alojamiento del retiro, evitando el uso de transportes comunes o visitar lugares muy concurridos que puedan albergar contagios.
- Las actividades de grupos se harán al aire libre con gran amplitud de donde se respetará la distancia de seguridad reglamentaria.
- Los aseos serán privados por cada cabaña o apartamento siendo el máximo de ocupantes 4.
Traéte la ropa con la que te vayas a sentir cómoda. Chaqueta de viento o sudadera para por la noche, gorra para el sol y sobre todo muchas ganas y entusiasmo.