
In El Palmar there are very few rainy days. In total there are only 46 rainy days a year and normally it doesn’t rain all day when it rains. The sun always returns after a short time of rain. Only in the months of January and February it may rain 1 or 2 days in a row. Temperature wise, it never gets too cold depending on your background. If you were born, for example, in hot regions of South America or Asia and are used to 30 degrees Celsius every day, then it will be cold in the months of December, January, February and March. But if you are used to climates where it is colder than 10 degrees Celsius, you will almost always find a very comfortable temperature throughout the year. One thing that you have to take into account is the wind that can blow very strong here and especially on the beach. The wind changes from the Mediterranean direction (west wind), called “levante” and which is the strongest, to the Atlantic direction (east wind), called “poniente” which can also be quite strong but normally it is not as strong but does. bring a cooler feel to the temperature because the waters of the Atlantic are colder than the waters of the Mediterranean. We are very lucky with the weather here.

Month:Temperature High / Low (°C)Rain:
January16° / 10°7 days
February17° / 11°5 days
March18° / 12°5 days
Aprl20° / 14°5 days
May22° / 16°3 days
June25° / 19°1 days
Jule28° / 21°0 days
August28° / 22°0 days
September26° / 20°2 days
October23° / 17°5 days
November19° / 13°6 days
December17° / 11°7 days
High and low temperature and days of rain month by month in El Palmar, Cádiz, Spain

Temperatures, days of rain and hours of sunshine displayed month by month in El Palmar, Cádiz, Spain

Below you can see that there are many hours of daylight. It is no coincidence that we are living on la costa de la luz.

Temperaturas, días de lluvia y horas de sol visualizado mes a mes en El Palmar, Cádiz, España

The Current Weather In El Palmar, Cadiz, Spain

Below current time you can see here below. Not only temperature forecast but also wind, rain, humidity, pressure, sunrise/sunset, moonset/moonrise and UV index for the next 7 days.

Best wave time for surfing

Do you want to know which are the best months to surf in El Palmar? We have written a blog post with everything you need to know about surfing and the months with the best waves in El Palmar. The best waves are in winter. It seems that the colder the waves, the better, but you can surf all year round in El Palmar. In the summer months they are not very big but beginners can still have fun. Down time how the waves develop in general month by month.


Los meses con las mejores olas en El Palmar son fuera de la temporada alta de verano y empiezan en octubre hasta fin de mayo mas o menos.Temperatures, days of rain and hours of sunshine displayed month by month in El Palmar, Cádiz, Spain